tcpdump and pcap files



can capture dns without extra stuff with

tcpdump -l -n port 53 | grep --line-buffered ' A? ' | awk -F ' A\\? ' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F'[ ]' '{ print $1 }'

can use -n flag. otherwise does reverse dns on everything, and this shows up in traffic.

can capture reverse dns results:

tcpdump -l not port 53 | grep --line-buffered -v " > archtop" | grep --line-buffered "archtop" | awk -F '> ' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F'[ ]' '{ print $1 }'

can save output to pcap file with -w flag can monitor traffic of whole network, but for wifi need card to be in monitor mode. can be done using airmon-ng from aircrack-ng

tcpdump port 53 (monitor dns requests)

tcpdump -D (shows interfaces possible to capture on) tcpdump –interface any (capture on all) (default behaviour)

can ignore specific domains:

tcpdump -f "not host"
tcpdump -f "not host or host "