USA competition law


Sherman act 1890

+ section 1: no contracts/conspiracies to reduce trade + section 2: no becoming a monopoly

mergers ok unless becoming a monopoly + led to a big rise in mergers

1987 case against railways who had agreements on price 1911 ruled that retail price maintenance illegal

standard oil seen to have reduced prices locally to keep competitors out. + acquired minor firms + judged to have been against 1 and 2

standard tobacco

terminal railroad + railway firms owned terminal facilities at ports + ruling to give access to competitors on reasonable terms

Clayton act 1914 (and Robinson-Patman act 1936, Celler-Kefauver act 1950 and Hard-Scott-Rodino act 1976

aimed at addressing mergers which increased monopoly power also has rules against price discrimination? allows for triple damages + fees amended by robinson patman act 1936 amended by celler-kefauver act 1950 amended by hard-scott-rodino act 1976

federal trace commission act 1914

set up FTC, independent regulates trade practices along with department of justice (DoJ) (gov)