Motorola 6800 and Motorola
Motorola 6800
Motorola 6502
general convention:
+ %00000001 for binary
+ $FA for eg hex of 8 bit (single byte requires 2&8=8*8)
+ 123 for decimal
+ A (accumulator)
+ X
+ Y
+ PC (program counter)
+ S (stack pointer)
+ P (status)
status flags:
+ N (negative)
+ V (overflow)
+ B (break)
+ D (decimal)
+ I (interrupt disable)
+ Z (zero)
+ C (carry)
+ LDA (load accumulator with memory)
* 16 bit address space, so $0000 format
* LDA $1002 (load value at memory $1002 into accumulator)
* LDA $02 (load value at memory $0002 into accumulator) (defaults to 00 if missing - zero page)
* LDA #$02 (load hex $02 into accumulator)
+ LDX (load X with memory)
+ LDY (load Y with memory)
+ STA (store accumulator in memory)
+ STX (store X in memory)
+ STY (store y in memory)
+ ADC (add memory to accumulator with carry)
+ SBC (substract memory from accumulator with borrow)
+ INC (increment memory)
+ INX (incrememt index X)
+ INY (increment index Y)
+ DEC (decrement memory)
+ DEX (decrement index X)
+ DEY (decrement index Y)
+ ASL (arithmetic shift left)
+ ASR (arithmetic shift right)
+ ROL (rotate left)
+ ROR (rotate right)
+ AND (and memory with accumulator)
+ OR (or memory with accumulator)
+ EOR (exclusive or memory with accumulator)