x = "Hello"
Can type hint a string
x: str = "Hello"
Strings stored in a pool. If 100 variables are of the same string, not stored 100 times.
Can’t do the following.
x = "Hello"
x[2] = "b"
For security (if not, presumably copy on write could be implemented).
string strip
Can treat strings like an array
Following prints out each character on a new row.
x = "Hello"
for ch in x:
if define a string, is unicode. can convert to bytes
"my string".encode() to get the bytes which encode the string
b"b string".decode() to convert byte string into unicode string
eg for hebrew characters
b'\xd7\xa9\xd7\x9c\xd7\x95\xd7\x9d \xd7\xa2\xd7\x95\xd7\x9c\xd7\x9d'.decode()
x = "apple"
x = "apple"
x = "apples"
y = 2
print(f"I eat {y} {x}")
x = "apple"
y = banana"
print(a, b)