\(\phi (P)\in \mathbb{R}\) is a functional on \(P(X)\).
Examples include the expectation and variance.
We can define derivatives on these functionals.
\(\phi (P)\approx \phi (P^0)+D_\phi (P-P^0)\)
Where \(D_\phi\) is linear.
For a random variable (or vector of random variables), \(x\), we define the expected value of \(f(x)\) as :
\(E[f(x)]:=\sum f(x_i) P(x_i)\)
The expected value of random variable \(x\) is therefore this where \(f(x)=x\).
\(E(x)=\sum_i x_i P(x_i)\)
We can show that \(E(x+y)=E(x)+E(y)\):
\(E[x+y]=\sum_i \sum_j (x_i+y_j) P(x_i \land y_j)\)
\(E[x+y]=\sum_i \sum_j x_i [P(x_i \land y_j)]+\sum_i \sum_j [y_j P(x_i \land y_j)]\)
\(E[x+y]=\sum_i x_i \sum_j [P(x_i \land y_j)]+\sum_j y_j \sum_i [P(x_i \land y_j)]\)
\(E[x+y]=\sum_i x_i P(x_i)+\sum_j y_j P(y_j)\)
\(E(cx)=\sum_i cx P(x_i)\)
\(E(cx)=c\sum_i x P(x_i)\)
\(E(c)=\sum_i c_i P(c_i)\)
\(E(c)= cP(c)\)
\(E(c)= c\)
If \(Y\) is a variable we are interested in understanding, and \(X\) is a vector of other variables, we can create a model for \(Y\) given \(X\).
This is the conditional expectation.
In the continuous case this is
\(E(Y|X)=\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }yP(y|X)dy\)
We can then identify an error vector.
\(\epsilon :=Y-E(Y|X)\)
Here \(Y\) is called the dependent variable, and \(X\) is called the dependent variable.
If \(\phi\) is convex then:
\(\phi (E[X])\ge E[\phi (X)])\)