Pods are collections of docker containers. Can be just one docker container or more
Nodes are where pods are deployed. Could be one node, or more.
Cluster is a collection of nodes
Developed by developers of k8s.
Developed by Rancher
systemctl status k3s
systemctl stop k3s
systemctl start k3s
Developed by Canonical.
Might need to change firewall rules
If need to hard reset
sudo microk8s reset --destroy-storage
sudo microk8s kubectl delete --all deployments --namespace=foo
Enable things. Registry allows the use of local Docker builds.
sudo microk8s enable dns dashboard storage registry
check all running
microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces
read off ip of dashboard. go to https://ip:443
get token
sudo microk8s config
Enable loadbalancer. Separate as asks questions.
sudo microk8s enable metallb
Run dashboard. Go to IP and port for service/kubernetes-dashboard.
sudo microk8s dashboard-proxy
using kompose to convert docker-compose file to kubernetes file First convert the docker compose file to a kubernetes file.
kompose --file docker-compose.yml --build convert
But change image name to local
- image: localhost:32000/homepage-nodejs