or 4444444aaaaaa123 to 447aa6123
ND model. N is number of repeats, D is what to repeat. if bigger than N can take, then split up
eg 111111111111: 9131
thing next on how that works with binary/bitsteam (eg could do 3 bits at a time for 85)
If there is something which repeats a lot (eg 0) then can split that out and then do data packets for the rest
eg if we have 00003640000000000006305: 04364090363015
this is RND model?
The strength of RLE with data packets depends on frequency of special character.
we can use delta encoding to make repeated characters more likely to be 0 and non zero is present.
do 2 digits to show going to be a run
what about cases like 1111122222
becomes 115225, but how do we know it’s not 52 1s, a 2 then a 5? encoding tricks?
A. Lempel and J. Ziv, with later modifications by Terry A. Welch
code table. eg \(2^12 = 4096\) codes. first \(256 (0-255)\) are the literal bytes
256-4095 are blocks of bytes
algorithm is how to determine code table