Non-cryptographic hashes

Data integrity checks

Hash functions

Hash functions (take input and return fixed length output) (h=hash(m))

Data integrity checks

Needs to be very different for small changes. so typo has different hash for example. corrput data needs to be noticed.


if two files are the same then hashes the same


Want following properties for a hash function

Deterministic, so the same hash is always created.

Quick to compute hash

Cannot generate input from hash, except for brute forcing inputs

Small changes to document should cause large charges to hash, such that the two hashes appear uncorrelated

Can’t find multiple documents with the same hash, practically.

Can be used to verify files, check passwords.

So possible vulernabilities are:

Given hash, find message (Pre-image resistence)

Given input, find another input with the same hash (second pre-image resistance)

Collission resistance (find two inputs with same hash)

We want to prevent accidental changes to file, and deliberate changes to file. Vulerabilites are more importnat for latter.

Example of non-cryptogrphic hash functions
