Linear forms on complex fields. sesquilinear forms, unitary groups, special unitary groups, Hermitian and Normal matrices

Sesquilinear forms

Sesquilinear forms

Bilinear form recap

A bilinear form takes two vectors and produces a scalar from the underyling field.

The function is linear in addition in both arguments.

\(\phi (au+x, bv+y)=\phi (au,bv)+\phi (au,y)+\phi (x,bv)+\phi (x,y)\)

The function is also linear in multiplication in both arguments.

\(\phi (au+x, bv+y)=ab\phi (u,v)+a\phi (u,y)+b\phi (x,v)+\phi (x,y)\)

They can be represented as:

\(\phi (u,v)=v^TMu\)

Sesquilinear forms

Like bilinear forms, sesquilinear are linear in addition:

\(\phi (au+x, bv+y)=\phi (au,bv)+\phi (au,y)+\phi (x,bv)+\phi (x,y)\)

Sesqulinear forms however are only multiplictively linear in the second argument.

\(\phi (au+x, bv+y)=b\phi (au,v)+\phi (au,y)+b\phi (x,v)+\phi (x,y)\)

In the first argument they are "twisted"

\(\phi (au+x, bv+y)=\bar ab\phi (u,v)+\bar a\phi (u,y)+b\phi (x,v)+\phi (x,y)\)

The real field

For the real field, \(\bar b = b\) and so the sesqulinear form is the same as the bilinear form.

Representing sesquilinear forms

We can show the sesquilinear form as \(v^*Mu\)



We introduce \(e_i\), the element vector. This is \(0\) for all entries except for \(i\) where it is \(1\). Any vector can be shown as a sum of these vectors multiplied by a scalar.




Because this in linear in scalars:



Orthonormal basis and \(M=I\)





Unitary groups \(U(n, F)\)

Metric preserving transformations for sesquilinear forms

For bilinear forms, the transformations which preserved metrics were:


For sesquilinear they are different:




So we want the matrices where:


The unitary group

The unitary group is where \(M=I\)



We refer to these using \(U\) instead of \(P\).


Parameters of the unitary group

The unitary group depends on the dimension of the vector space, and the underlying field. So we can have:

  • \(U(n, R)\); and

  • \(U(n, C)\).

We generally refer only to the complex

For the \(U(n, R)\) we have:



This is the condition for the orthogonal group, and so we would instead write \(O(n)\).

As a result, \(U(n)\) refers to \(U(n,C)\).

\(U(1)\): The circle group

Inner products

Symmetric matrices

Hermitian (self-adjoint) matrices

A matrix where \(M=M^*\)

For matrices over the real numbers, these are the same as symmetric matrices.

Sesqulinear forms on Hermitian matrices

\(\phi (u,v)=u^*Mv\)


\(\phi (u,v)=\overline {\phi (v,u)}\)

The forms on the same vector are always real


So we have:


Which is only satisfied for reals.

If \(A\) and \(B\) are Hermitian

If \(A\) and \(B\) are Hermitian, \(AB\) is Hermitian if and only if \(AB\) commutes.


If it commutes then


Real eigenvalues

Hermitian matrices have real eigenvalues.

\(Hv=\lambda v\)

\(v^*Hv=\lambda v^*v\)


Skew-Hermitian matrices

These are also known as anti-Hermitian matrices.


If eigenvalues are different, eigenvectors are orthogonal

Pauli matrices

Pauli matrices are \(2\times 2\) matrices which are unitary and hermitian.

That is, \(P^*=P^{-1}\).

And \(P^*=P\).

The Pauli matrices

The matrices are:

\(\sigma_1 =\begin{bmatrix} 0&1 \\ 1&0 \end{bmatrix}\)

\(\sigma_2 =\begin{bmatrix} 0&-i \\ i&0 \end{bmatrix}\)

\(\sigma_3 =\begin{bmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0&-1 \end{bmatrix}\)

The identity matrix is often considered alongside these as:

\(\sigma_0 =\begin{bmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0&1 \end{bmatrix}\)

Pauli matrices are their own inverse

\(\sigma_i^2 =\sigma_i\sigma_i\)

\(\sigma_i^2 =\sigma_i\sigma_i^*\)

\(\sigma_i^2 =\sigma_i\sigma_i^{-1}\)

\(\sigma_i^2 =I\)

Determinants and trace of Pauli matrices

\(\det \sigma_i =-1\)

\(Tr (\sigma_i) =0\)

As the sum of eigenvalues is the trace, and the product is the determinant, the eigenvalues are \(1\) and \(-1\).

Positive-definite matrices

The matrix \(M\) is positive definite if for all non-zero vectors the scalar is positive.


We know that the outcome is a scalar, so:




Inner products

An inner product is a sesquilinear form with a positive-definite Hermitian matrix.

\(\langle u, v \rangle =u^*Hv\)

If we are using the real field this is the same as:

\(\langle u, v \rangle =u^THv\)

Where \(H\) is now a symmetric real matrix.


\(\langle v, v \rangle =v^*Hv\)

Always positive and real.


\(\langle u, v\rangle \langle v, u\rangle=|\langle u, v\rangle|^2\)

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

This states that:

\(|\langle u,v\rangle |^2 \le \langle u, u\rangle \dot \langle v, v\rangle\)

Consider the vectors \(u\) and \(v\). We construct a third vector \(u-\lambda v\). We know the length of any vector is non-negative. \(0\le \langle u-\lambda v, u-\lambda v\rangle\)

\(0\le \langle u, u\rangle+ \langle u, -\lambda v\rangle+\langle -\lambda v, u\rangle+ \langle -\lambda v, -\lambda v\rangle\)

\(0\le \langle u, u\rangle-\bar{\lambda }\langle u, v\rangle-\lambda { \langle v, u\rangle }+ \lambda \bar{\lambda }\langle v, v\rangle\)

We now look for a value of \(\lambda\) to simplify this equation.

\(\lambda = \dfrac{\langle u,v \rangle}{\langle v, v\rangle}\)

\(0\le \langle u, u\rangle-\dfrac{\langle v,u \rangle\langle u, v\rangle}{\langle v, v\rangle}-\dfrac{\langle u,v \rangle \langle v, u\rangle }{\langle v, v\rangle}+ \dfrac{\langle u,v \rangle}{\langle v, v\rangle}\dfrac{\langle v,u \rangle}{\langle v, v\rangle}\langle v, v\rangle\)

\(0\le \langle u, u\rangle-\dfrac{|\langle u,v \rangle|^2}{\langle v, v\rangle}\)

\(|\langle u,v \rangle|^2\ge \langle u, u\rangle\langle v, v\rangle\)

The orthogonal projection

in inner product space, orthogonal projection

\(p_uv = \dfrac{<u,v>}{{v,v}}v\)

we then know that \(o=v-p_uv\) is orthogonal to \(u\).

Orthogonal set / Orthogonal basis

if a set of vectors are all orthogonal, they form an orthogonal set if the set spans the vector space, it is an orthogonal basis.

The Gram-Schmidt process

can we form an orthogonal basis from a non-orthogonal basis? yes, using gram schmidt

we have \(x_1\), \(x_2\) \(x_3\) etc we want to make \(v_1\), \(v_2\) etc orthognal

\(v_1 = x_1\) \(v_2 = x_2 - p_{x_2}v_1\) \(v_3 = x_3 - p_{x_3}v_1 - p_{x_3}v_2v\)

Special unitary groups \(SU(n, F)\)

The special unitary group, \(SU(n,F)\), is the subgroup of \(U(n,F)\) where the determinants are \(1\).

That is, \(|M|=1\)

The determinant of unitary matrices

The determinant of the unitary matrices is:

\(\det U^*=\det U^{-1}\)

\((\det U)^*=\dfrac{1}{\det U}\)

\((\det U)^*\det U = 1\)

\(||\det U||= 1\)


Normal matrices


All symmetrix matrices are normal

All hermetitian matrices (inc subset symmetric) are normal

Normal matrix never defective