.emacs file; changing screens; opening files; search; saving
emacs mode buffer. has info on file and mode
text folding
major modes, including text mode
C-x C-c
C-x C-s
search forward:
search back:
emacs copy paste
read file:
C-x C-f
switch buffer:
C-x b
kill buffer
C-x k
File browser. Installed by default.
C-x d
Allows you to see value of variable set:
M-x describe-variable
M-x concept. runs macros? C-sfsjfls is shortcuts for macros? so for each thing should have the M-x and C-ses equivalent?
close window:
C-x 0
close other windows:
C-x 1
split on x axis:
C-x 2
split on y axis:
C-x 3
switch windows:
C-x o
Make window wider:
C-x }
Make window thinner:
C-x {
balance window size:
C-x +
make window smaller:
C-x -
Start a shell:
M-x shell
Can name shell so if get a second one it won’t be the same.
C-u M-x shell
to start in terminal mode:
emacs -nw
zoom out
zoom in
customising using conf.org file
org mode use of * use of + use of TODO: set with:
C-c C-t
see agenda files to be in agenda stored in org-agenda-files
to change state and record note:
C-u C-c C-t
cycle through agenda files:
add current file to agenda files:
C-c [
C-c ]
view agenda:
M-x org-agenda
change theme:
M-x load-theme
Installed by default.
Built into Emacs
to get python interactive shell from within python mode
C-c C-p
"run-python" macro
python.el provides python mode. built into emacs
elpy (to evaluate script):
C-c C-c
jedi for autocompletion
M-x list-packages
i/I d/D x to execute the activity
treemacs: R to rename yf to copy file cf to create file cd to create directory
treemacs-select-window to go to treemacs window
magit-status to see magit status
magit: press s to stage a file
For git
projects, projectile projectile-add-known-project; projectile-switch-project
Use vi style bindings.