char c[] = "c string";
can declare. eg
char s[6];
s = "hello";
Can over declare, givng spare space.
char c[50] = "hello";
Compiler adds null character automatically.
0 is null character.
char c[] = {"h", "e", "l", "l", "o", "\0"};
Strings are arrays of characters, and so we can use pointers to access.
\(*c\) returns \("h"\). \(*(c+1)\) returns \("e"\).
Can represent same information in multiple ways?
strings as data type. similar to array? but diff functions. eg find "cat" in "concatenate"
can subinstr. upper. lower. proper. strpos
can regex. section on regex in data types?
character: number maps to character
string literals
array of chars
buffer overflows on strings (already discussed them in the context of arrays)
can use sizeof. size determined at compile time
null terminated string
string literals: escaping characters